The Stroke Improvement Group(SIG) are a loose affiliation of people who believe that stroke care will be significantly improved when institutions listen to us and embrace digital community


SIG members are a collective of passionate individuals with lived experience of the impact of stroke as survivors, care givers, family & friends (#StrokeThrivers), care professionals and specialists


A think-tank engaging with organisations within the stroke arena for the betterment of stroke reduction and improvement of post stroke lives and professional's job satisfaction


  1. Be a Source Of Support To Survivors and Of Information/ Advice For All Stakeholders
  2. Use Innovation Of Thought and Practice To Remove Misconceptions and Limits in Stroke Practices
  3. Maintain Continuous Productive Dialogue With Existing Organisations To Share ALL Stakeholder's Opinions To Support Balanced Decisions


Innovation and The future of technology is a fundamental aspect of our ethos. We promote digital technologies for community, service delivery of Therapies & use of data in research

Via continuous dialogue with existing worldwide organisations we will operate with a willingness to share information and work collaboratively to develop effective strategies that positively impact the occurrence of stroke

To use the breadth of community knowledge to enhance survivor centric support services for the benefit of all members of the wider stroke network


Listen, Seek To Understand, Make Your Points Respectfully, Recognise everybody's emotions are valid (and may not fit your definition of rational)


To join and have an equal voice to raise agenda items and action plans simply sign the last line of your community and social media contributions Stroke Improvement Group or SIG

if you wish to link to this charter cite https://bit ly/SIGcharter or the less friendly target url in full is

If you wish to chat, take support, give support, lobby for Stroke Improvements then sign-up at aka

the SIG members